Automobile Collision

Most of the cases we prosecute involve clients injured in auto collisions.  The injury types vary, and the causes are many.  In each and every case the wrongdoer violated the vehicle code we refer to as the Rules of the Road.  Most fault is due to inattention or distracted attention.  More and more we see cases where the defendant was on their telephone, texting, answering texts, or looking to simply change the music on the radio.  The fact is when you drive attentively you will not run a red light, swerve into the wrong lane or strike the vehicle in front of you in the rear.

Even if the victim is wearing a seatbelt serious injuries may occur.  Many statistics are available that show serious injuries involved in crashes with little no property damage.  Even an impact at 5 mph is an impact at  7.3333 feet per second.  In other words, in the first second of the crash, the victim’s body is absorbing the impact of violence at 7.3333 feet per second.  We have had a number of cases where the seatbelt locked appropriately and pulled the driver back into the seat.  Unfortunately, this strain caused a brachial plexus injury to the left shoulder of the driver. The airbag, another safety feature, many times causes bruising in and about the face.

The insurance laws involving issues stemming from injuries in a car crash are very particular and change frequently. As long as the vehicle is insured there will be a certain amount of coverage for medical bills.  That benefits the injured victim and as long as the wrongdoer is insured there is available coverage or compensation to the victim.

If you are involved in a car crash, take pictures, make a police report, do not give formal statements to insurance carriers, and call me immediately. Even if you are not pursuing a claim I will walk you through the procedures involved in at least getting your car fixed.